Which is to say we made it to Chihuahua. We called the train station later on wednesday and they said all was normal. I didn't really believe them though so we had to check some other sources, and sure enough they all checked out. So another early morning, this time with enough time to buy some street pancakes and atole, which I don't really know what it is but it's good.
Got to the station and passed throught the (apparently optional since we decided to not get searched) security and onto the train.
The train ride is really as amazing as they say. The best part is that you can hang out in the areas between the cars and hang out the big oipen windows. You can even accidentally open the doors (oops). There are 86 tunnels along the way and at least 15 wrecked train cars (that's as many as I counted but I know I didn't see them all) laying off to the side of the tracks, usually down at the bottom of steep gullies, cliffs, in rivers or right below big bridges (below).

Now we're in Chihuahua, which I like so far. Fairly quiet compared to some cities we've been to. It's also in the desert so it's always windy and the coldest place we've been so far, it's actually really cold. I'm looking forward to our last couple days of the trip before we head up to Texas, then home.